We provide marketing technology, front end and software development consulting to bring your digital marketing and ecommerce projects to the next level.
By Stefan Malär
As a listener to this speech,
I want to understand how to focus on people,
so that I can be successful in the digital age.
As a listener to this speech,
I want to understand HOW to focus on people,
so that I can be successful in the digital age.
By Jack Lindsay via Vancouver Archives
inˈtīdld, enˈtīdld/
believing oneself to be inherently deserving
of privileges or special treatment
By oxforddictionaries.com
Expect real-time customer service
By Harris Poll, 2014
Expect there to be a service that ships products before they order them within 5 years
By Scott Brinker, chiefmartec.com
By Walker Sands, State of MarTech 2017
...meet new customers expectations
...manage technology complexity
...transform your organization
of companies believe they deliver a superior customer experience
of customers believe those companies deliver a superior customer experience
By Bain & Co
We favor
People and interactions over processes and tools
Working service over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a strategy
Based on Agile Manifest byagilemanifesto.org
Deliver most value with given resources at the earliest possible time at highest quality to your customer
By Scott Brinker, chiefmartec.com
Cross discipline
Strategic thinking
Broad experience
Deep expertise
...customer centric
...attractive to the right people
From imgur.com
People hate change…
And that’s because people hate change…
I want to be sure that you get my point.People really hate change. They really, really do.
By Steve McMenamin, Atlantic Systems Guild
Kids are more frightened of embarrassment than they are of death.
By Doug Kessler, MarTech London 16
By Gallup.com
for motivation
...supporting employees with change
...treating your customer as humans
...favoring people over technology
...keeping your employees engaged
Being agile as a company is more important than having a strategy in a fast changing environment, and the key element to this is the people.
Stefan Malär
Marketing Technology
By oddEVEN
Everybody is trying to keep up with the latest technology trends and gadgets, but the key factor is the people: Technology is only a means to tell your story and enable both employees and customers. We will talk about why and how you need to focus more on people instead of technology.
We provide marketing technology, front end and software development consulting to bring your digital marketing and ecommerce projects to the next level.